Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dexter Season 8 Trailer Review

After my rather reluctant review of the "True Blood" Season 6 Trailer, it's time for a more wholehearted review of Dexter's Season 8 Trailer, which will premier on June 30, 2013. 

Season 8 is going to be the last season of Dexter and though it feels to my like  something very special going to end, it's definitely the right time. But, first things first:

After Debra shot LaGuerta in the final minutes of the last season, the story will pick up a few month after the events.

We see a very desperate and forlorn Deb struggling with her decision to shoot LaGuerta instead of her brother - taking drugs and getting involved with clearly what can only be the wrong people are certainly only the most severe signs of her own downfall. "You made me compromise everything about myself that I care about." and "I shot the wrong person in that trailer" says it all.

Especially the striking contrast between her telling him that she is in love with him last season and now saying that her life is none of his business and that she hates him for the choice she made because of her feelings for him, creates an intriguing suspense that I'm very eager to explore.

For me Debra's journey will be the driving force of the last season, since I expect Dexter to be the way he's always been, trying to distract himself and fix his (emotional?) problems by "killing the bad guys". In the end his existence hangs by a thread and it's Deb's actions that will decide for the better or the worse. Which by itself is an interesting aspect. What's the right ending for a series like Dexter? What do we want? Letting him live and go on while he himself says that psychopaths (like him) "have no empathy", what clearly can't be something that we want in our average human being? 

So, this season's antagonist will be Dr. Evelyn Vogel, a Neuropsychiatrist... Well, I don't see her alone being of particular importance, but again as another influence on the whole Dexter / Debra dynamic and relationship. 

Another thing I like about the trailer is the reference to Dexter's main opponents - though I did not really get why we ended with Trinity (Season 4) dismissing Jordan Chase, the Doomsday Killers and Hannah McKay. Feel's like a major hint that we had reached the climax of evil at that season. 

After watching the trailer, everything hints at a grave ending (as in death or imprisonment) for Dexter and the falling Orchid seems to be a marvelous analogy for this. However, it's a trailer and they are often meant to be misleading for the viewers.

One way or the other, I'm looking forward to the final season of Dexter and I am open for whatever ending they have in mind. Also, I am sure that Jennifer Carpenter's performance alone will be a treat.

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